How to manage our destructive emotions and cultivate a wholesome way of being?

Welcome to Cultivating Emotional Balance, the training that unites cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience with contemplative practices and wisdom to help you bring balance to your emotions and have them support – and not hinder – your happiness and well-being!

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Enrollment for 2024 is now open! Doors close in:


Ever feel like your emotions are running (or ruining) your life?


I asked my students how their emotions cause havoc in their lives. These are the most typical responses:

But if emotions are so problematic, should you just try to eliminate them?

Absolutely not.

The truth is, your emotions can also greatly help you, save your life, and even be a profound source of well-being.

Erasing them would not only not help you, it would actually be harmful to you.

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Instead, what you need is a balance.

You need to increase your constructive emotions while decresing destructive ones.

But – most likely – you have run into the greatest obstacle people encounter when trying to transform their emotions and got stuck

You see, it would be amazing if we could *simply* decide to transform our emotions and make them do what's best for us...

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But the problem is, for most people, emotions are beyond their conscious control – you don’t have a choice, they just happen to you.

Meaning: there’s NOTHING you can do about your destructive emotions… right?

It may very well make you feel like that. Most people don’t have any hope left that they can change, saying things like “It’s just the way I am” or “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”.

I understand – emotions can be messy… But I want you to know:

It doesn't have to be like that.

“Taking this course was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I went from being completely out of touch with my feelings, to being able to listen to my emotions and appreciate their value.

Where I used to distract myself from sadness and other emotions, I have now learned methods to sit with my emotions and process them.

I now feel anxious less often, instead feeling calm, peaceful and ready to deal with whatever comes my way.

Kate Palmer

School Teacher, UK

Going from dysregulation and overwhelm to balance and thriving is absolutely possible for you.

I know this because I’ve experienced it first-hand. My friends, family, and students ask me all the time how I can remain so calm and clear even when I face difficult challenges or when “bad” things happen to me. But it wasn’t always like that…

When I first began grappling with my destructive emotions, I didn’t know what to do… I hated feeling like I had no control and as if a dense emotional cloud descended over me and blinded me to anything beyond what I was feeling.

What I discovered was that it doesn’t have to be that way, and I can go through my emotional experiences in a healthy way that not only doesn’t cloud my vision and discernment, but also allows me to retain control of what I say and do.

This process was unexpected but worked really well, and that opened the door to incredible life transformations such as:

Let me be clear: I’m far from perfect. I’m a “normal” human being. But I know how to befriend any emotions I’m feeling in the moment. I can unblend my awareness from the emotional experiece, and I’m able to self-soothe back into a state of safety and regulation. And I know how to reappraise my triggers and reframe my view in a way that turns my emotions into my superpower.

And when you learn these techniques, you’ll be able to do the same.

This isn’t just my experience. I have a really powerful story to share about Claire, whose words about her journey I’ll leave below…

“When I started Filipe’s course, I had been working as a coach for 15 years, but lacked a way to deal with difficult emotions such as  anger, fear or sadness when they were blocking me or a client. The course not only taught me how to work through these difficult feelings in real time; it actually helped me uncover feelings that I didn’t know I had been avoiding for years – and that were suffocating my joy.

I now have an easy pathway to managing emotions, so I don’t have to be afraid of them. It is so much easier to talk about challenges in life and work. I’m not afraid that conversations will go sideways, because I understand my feelings in most situations.

With fear, I understand how being attached to an outcome gets in the way of joy. Focusing on the effort and not the outcome lets me take risks and it feels so alive. With anger, I can easily shift my focus to what I want instead of the obstacle in my way. With my new friend sadness, I can mourn, and then move ahead.

I feel so much more present with my family. This has been a big shift. Just being with my kids and getting to know them again has been an enormous gift.

The combination of the physical, emotional and spiritual in the course provided a comfort and knowing that I had been craving. This work is so exciting that I’ve gone beyond using it for myself, and am incorporating it into my work with clients. I want for them what I’ve experienced — to be more present, more calm, and more connected to my children and husband.

If you have the chance to take Filipe’s course, please do not hesitate!”

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Claire Steichen

Clear Strategy Coaching, New York

So imagine for a second what it would feel like to have emotional balance yourself. What would your life be like? What kind of impact would that have on your relationships? Your health? Your self-esteem and self-confidence? Your focus, productivity, and performance at work? What about your inner peace, well-being, and impact on the world?

And imagine if you were able to bring balance to your emotions with ease and without all the frustration, burnout, self-judgement, wasted time that are so common among anyone who struggles with their destructive emotions.

I want to share with you a path for going from living in a permanent dysregulated emotional state to creating deep, lasting balance.

Once you get this down, you’ll start experiencing more regulated emotions, reduced stress and overwhelm, control over your life, and the resilience to find balance and thrive no matter what life throws your way. When you are able to self-regulate then you can control your destiny and create the life that’s most meaningful to you.

How can you regain control of your emotions?



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How can you ever change your emotions if you can’t even get a hold of them? If when they arise you are completely thrown off the wheel and get helplessly trapped in their unyielding grip?

To begin your transformation path with success, the first thing you must learn is self-regulation techniques that will help you get back on the driver’s seat even when all seems lost.

And the first step towards self-regulation is becoming more aware of and familiar with our emotional experiences.

This training puts emotional awareness at its core to help participants move closer to a life of choice.

By training your awareness to recognize the subtle changes in your body and mind as emotions are beginning, you become able to regain control before they make you react impulsively.

This is where your whole life finally begins to turn the corner...

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By becoming able to recognize the spark before the flame, you create a distance between stimulus and response where you can chose if and how you want to emotionally engage.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

~ Viktor Frankl

Also, by learning these powerful emotional regulation skills first, you build a solid foundation for a safe transition into the deeper emotional work ahead, allowing you to move forward with confidence and peace of mind.

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Speaking of the deeper work ahead… Being able to regain choice and transform your destructive emotions when they arise is amazing, without a doubt…

But what if you could have your emotions arise already balanced and constructive?

This program doesn’t only aim at helping you cope with your unbalanced emotions on the surface – the symptoms.

It aims at helping you cultivate emotional well-being at its root, in a profound and lasting way.

That’s why it will not only teach you the most effective skills for managing challenging emotions…

It will also show you how to heal the underlying causes that are creating those dysregulated emotions in the first place.

Here, we’ll go even deeper. You’ll take a step back to understand what creates your emotions – and then act there.

This is the next level of the work… the level that underpins all emotional balance and can take you above and beyond everything you thought possible.

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You see, emotional balance is just the tip of the iceberg...

Our emotions are based on the state and tendencies of our mind. A balanced mind will lead to balanced emotions… but if the mind is out of balance, all emotions will follow close behind.

When we look at the components of the mind that lie behind emotional balance, we find 3 principal domains that govern everything.


Balanced desires and meaningful aspirations such as love and compassion are what constitute the ground of genuine happiness.


A tranquil mind and a stable and focused attention are key to emotional regulation, self-discovery, insight, and well-being in general.


Our views shape our experience and the emotions we feel. Wisdom brings peace and growth, but delusion brings pain and unsatisfaction.

Each of these domains has its own balance – conative, attentional, and cognitive balance, respectively – which influence and are influenced by each other.

Together, they form the ground of mental balance, which supports and interweaves with emotional balance, as the diagram below ilustrates.

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As you can see, mental balance in its 3 aspects is the foundation of all emotional balance – and in this training you’ll go deep into them.

By balancing the causes of emotional (un)balance, you are working at the very root of emotional balance and flourishing.

The end result is that you experience less and less destructive emotions that bring suffering to you and those around you.

Instead, your emotions arise more often balanced, naturally moving you towards genuine well-being and helping you in promoting growth – without you having to change them.

By doing this delicate work in the safe and powerful manner I teach you, you’ll dissolve the blocks that are obscuring your inner source of happiness, clouding your mind, and preventing your growth…

And your emotions will become aligned, naturally helping you thrive in life as an amazing human being – when before they were doing just the opposite.

As you uncover and heal the root causes of your self-limiting and self-destructive patterns, you break free from old, unhelpful habits and create new, healthy patterns that serve your best interests.

When you put these tools into practice, your emotional balance takes a gigantic leap.

So it becomes much easier to live the life your heart desires.

Best of all…

This doesn’t take long to show results...

After the first few days, you start to notice the sparks of change and realize “this might actually work”.

You have more and more awareness of your emotions, even when you’re strongly triggered.

More importantly, you begin to be able to pause before you actually take that regrettable choice or behavior, leave the emotion’s grip…

And then, recovering your balance and clear thinking, make a wise choice that actually benefits you and the situation.

As you keep practicing consistently, it doesn’t take long for this to feel like second nature and you find yourself balancing your emotions left and right, faster and with little to no struggle.

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And as that happens, you feel confident that you can handle your emotions no matter what life throws your way, finally breaking free from the constant anxiety and tension and finding peace and ease.

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Which is great news because it means you can create more of what really matters: joy, love, and meaning

You feel more authentic, in sync with your purpose, and more able to express yourself to the fullest of who you are and your potential.

You feel a greater connection to yourself, others, life and the universe. You feel more alive.

Your mind becomes clearer and your focus sharper.

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As the emotional negativity cloud dissipates, life becomes easier and lighter. You experience far less problems (as you’re no longer creating them yourself), and the ones that remain are less “problematic”.

Your relationships improve by the day, and you’re able to let go those that don’t serve you anymore.

And you’re sure you’re changing when those around you start to notice it too.

So far, this sytem has played a key role in bringing balance to the lives of over 200 people...

Here Are The Kind of results people from all corners of the world and walks of life See With it

“I had the most beautiful and joyful epiphany about how lucky I am to be who I am.”

“I took CEB and learned how to handle emotions for the first time in my life, started to heal my own emotional wounds, completely changed my professional trajectory, supported someone who really needed it in the last three months of his life, had the most beautiful and joyful epiphany about how lucky I am to be who I am and have the life I have had, was called an avatar of the divine, supported a group of people through the suicide of a friend, and realized that just maybe my professional goals might be more of a calling than a job.”

Jason Hudson
Psychologist in training, Canada

“The course has given me much more clarity about the subjects covered.”

“The thing I enjoyed most and found really useful was how the course has given me much more clarity about the subjects covered—clearly defining the emotions and the variety of meditation practices. I feel I am beginning to understand more clearly a lot of the practices that I have already had in my life (and will continue to have).

The main difference is between recognizing intellectually and experiencing—immeasurably valuable!”


“A real expansion of my self-understanding.”

“I have been dealing with emotions in the context of my personal development, but also in my work as a coach for a long time.

What I liked most about Filipe's course was the structure and especially the mix between theory about the psychological process of emotions and practice of guided meditation. I still benefit from both today. When things get difficult today, I have been given the power and tools to get through it and can support others. Filipe is with me in my heart and I know that I can turn to him when things get really complicated.

I can recommend the work with Filipe if you are ready for a deep personal development and are looking for an empathic, humorous and structured teacher.”

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Heinz Brasch
Systemich Coach, Germany

“Every week was full of revelations and clarity.”

“I didn’t know what to expect in the beginning, but every week was full of revelations and clarity. I have definitely taken a wise step towards emotional regulation by attending this program and would recommend it to everyone!”

Mansi Mehra
London (United Kingdom)

“I have started to feel more aware of my own emotions”

“The course has been extremely useful, and I am happy I took it.

What I most liked was the capacity to cover both the “meditative” and the more technical parts. And the most interesting characteristic has been the capacity to recognize the real function of emotions, since that is the foundation to be able to uderstand and transform them.

Thanks to the course I have started to feel more aware of my own emotions, which helps a lot in my day-to-day life, and long term objective of peace and overall contentment.”

Humanitarian Worker, Italy

This course gave me the tools to dig deeper, refresh how I interpret my past, and enrich the possibilities for my growth.”

“I joyfully recommend Filipe's course on Cultivating Emotional Balance. As a chaplain and pastor, I have studied and practiced emotional awareness for many years. This course gave me the tools to dig deeper, refresh how I interpret my past, and enrich the possibilities for my growth.

Filipe's gifts for connection are truly extraordinary – at once he is a scientist and an angel. In all my training, I have rarely encountered a teacher as skillful as Filipe.”

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Pamela Patton
Pastor, New York

“I am so thrilled to have this information about transforming emotions.”

“I am so thrilled to have this information about transforming emotions. For years I have been seeking detailed meditation guidance and ideas for how to experience healthy emotions - I have been asking therapists and meditation teachers about this stuff for maybe 15 years, and now I am finally finding it. Thank you Filipe!!”

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Bodhi Paine-Mason

“I came just to learn, and have a full therapy going on.”

“So many situations in my life already happening, and I realize that before I would freak out, or overthink. And now I can be in balance with myself.

Just have thought though, that I came just to learn, and have a full therapy going on.”

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Nataliia Poroshynska

“I love how this course is connecting all the dots.”

“Beautiful how this emotional balance work can be found to impact so many layers of our lives!

I love how this course is connecting all the dots. All of this work is completely fascinating, I'm in love!

I think you're nailing it and I'm on week 3 or 4 of the content...”

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Ana Coimbra
Medical Doctor, Portugal

“It is potentially healing and transformative.”

“It's not only knowledge, it has the potential of transforming our emotions so we are happier. It exceeded my expectations.”

Emma Mahadevi
Yoga Teacher, Paris (France)

“It was a very rewarding experience”

“It was a very rewarding experience and I learned a lot about being able to better manage my emotions to live a happier, more fulfilling life.”


“It has been one of the best courses I have taken in my life.”

“I like that it's very practical and very down to earth for people who don't practice buddhism. I practice shamatha every day, and it's been easier with what you teach us in the course. It was very easy to understand some concepts that I sometimes don't get while studying hard core buddhism... so congratulations on that also!!!”

Angelica Gatica
Meditation Teacher, Mexico City (Mexico)

“I was able to connect with the root cause of my feelings.”

“I came to this course because I was struggling with being constantly flooded with emotions, and was hoping to gain awareness of what's happening with me and regain some control over my emotions and my life.

I am still impressed how well designed and dense this course is, and how much work and heart Filipe put into it. Each session revealed something important to me and I felt motivated to keep up with the meditation practices as they were enriched every week.

The most surprising and empowering moment for me was when, using the meditation techniques that we learned, I was able to connect with the root cause of my feelings of loneliness and sadness. I understood that getting to the root cause of an emotion changes the experience of this emotion and is healing. It was very moving to see this is possible and I now feel empowered to work with my emotions by myself because I know how to do it safely.

I also understood how important it is for my experience of happiness to feel connected with others and to create. I felt that it's ok and very human to want to be happy deep inside.

The course is very practical and demanding in a good way, and I 100% recommend others to take it!”

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The feedback has been moving.

I mean it literally. The feedback I receive from my students is what keeps me moving and working to reach more people because it keeps me believing my work makes a difference.

More than anything, it’s witnesing their results what inspires me to continue and expand this work.

I would love to bring you these same resources, wisdom, and tools so you can experience the same transformation and benefits yourself.

So you can finally bring your emotions to balance, have a positive impact on those around you, and live with joy and purpose.

…and, hopefully, one day soon be sending me one of those messages yourself.

That’s why I’m inviting you to join Healing Into Flourishing™ today, where you will be able to take the full Cultivating Emotional Balance training and so much more!

I’d love you to join.

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Welcome to this special training

Cultivating Emotional Balance +

Cultivating Emotional Balance is a training program designed to increase happiness and well-being within yourself, as well as in relationship to others and the world around you.

In particular, it focuses on emotions and how they can often become problematic and an obstacle to our own and others’ well-being, and what we can do to transform them into a wellspring of genuine joy and growth.

Born from a meeting between the Dalai Lama with renowned behavioral scientists, psychologists, neuroscientists, and sociologists, as well as Buddhist monks and scholars under the theme “Destructive Emotions (How Can We Overcome Them?)”, this training aims at helping you:

  • Have your emotions work for you, not against you;
  • Have your experience of emotions be constructive, not destructive;
  • Have choice in if and how you engage emotionally.

Inside Healing Into Flourishing, you’ll have access to the full 42-hour Cultivating Emotional Balance training…

However, I’ve also gone way and beyond it in everything that I bring you there.

This CEB+ special training not only includes the full CEB curriculum, it also dives much deeper into some of its topics and expands related ones.

Plus, besides all the extensive training materials, you’ll also get access to a wonderful community of like-minded people for engagement and support!

And that’s not all! You’ll also have access to weekly LIVE calls with me to answer your questions, further your practice, and connect with the community!

This courses provides everything you need to successfully bring balance to your emotions and lead a happy, meaningful life.

The Curriculum


Emotional Balance

This module is the core of the program (as the name implies). It will cover emotions from the most fundamental to the complexity and details of their functioning, malfunctioning, and transformation.


Part I: Understanding Emotions

Here you will come to a precise definition of emotion and explore its different forms and related concepts. You’ll learn about its function(s) and most important features, and relate all that to its evolutionary and biologic origin.

Then, we’ll proceed to a deeper dive into the anatomy and physiology of an emotion: it’s various parts and steps – the nuts and bolts that make it work how it does – and how they all influence each other and come together to form the beautiful (sometimes) process we call emotion.

You’ll thoroughly analyze and comprehend the three main phases of an emotional episode – trigger, experience, and behavior – and you’ll understand how and why emotions often take control of us and make us act blindly.

With that, you will construct a simple but complete and detailed model of the emotional episode, which will allow you to map out and understand any emotion of yours – and transform it!

Part II: Transforming Emotions

After understanding how emotions work, we can then advance to studying how they work bad, and what you can do about it.

You will learn what determines whether an emotions that arises is balanced or unbalanced at its trigger, and how it then proceeds to creating an afflictive emotional experience and ends up in a resulting destructive behavior. Then, you’ll understand where and how you can stop and change that process.

First, you will find out how you can turn your emotions constructive even before they happen by cultivating mental balance in its diverse components – conative, attentional, and cognitive – as well as by working with and transforming your hot triggers, created through (often traumatic) experiences.

Then, you’ll understand what you can do when a destructive emotion has already arisen and you’re in the middle of it to stop it, prevent it from resulting in (more) destructive behaviors, and turn it into something constructive.

You’ll learn and apply the best techniques for recognizing the emotion, leaving the refractory period (the period of time where you’re under the control of the emotion, can’t think clearly, and want to act impulsively), and choosing a constructive response.

Lastly, you will learn how you can bring well-being, happiness, and growth to a destructive emotional episode even after it has happened by applying the 4 R’s of the constructive post-episode.

In this part, you will also learn to accurately recognize emotions in others through facial expressions, and the best techinques and strategies to dealing with the destructive emotions of others and helping them transform them too.

Part III: The 7 Universal Emotions

Once these foundations on emotions in general are well understood and assimilated, we will then go deeper and apply them to the main emotions that most affect our lives, known as the 7 Universal: Anger, Fear, Surprise, Disgust, Contempt, Sadness, and Joy.

You will dive deep into each of them, understanding each’s specific function, triggers, experience, behaviors, forms of being destructive, and strategies for balancing it and turning it constructive.

You’ll find out why anger is the emotion with the highest perceived (and ofen real) destructive pontential, all that it hides beneath, and how you can have it be a healthy force for positive change and an energetic protector from abuse and injustice.

You’ll see how fear can be the most limiting emotion and the negative impact that excess prolongued stress can have in all aspects of your health and well-being. Then, you’ll learn how to overcome and even heal strong limiting fears that do not serve you (anymore), reduce unhealthy stress and anxiety levels, and turn fear into a friendly protector and advisor.

You’ll realize how disgust can ironically be one of the most toxic emotions as, along with contempt, it creates a fake distance between people and blocks empathy, robbing targets of their humanity. You’ll learn how you can reject harmful situations, ideas, and behaviors while maintaining compassion for every person.

With sadness you will discover how it is the most misunderstood, misjudged, and undervalued emotion. Often seen as useless and even forbidden as a sign of weakness, you’ll understand how it is actually the most important emotion for being able to live a meaningful, connected, and happy life. You’ll learn how you can have it become your best friend that helps you heal even the deepest losses and wounds, rather than dwelling on them forever or disconnecting from life and love.

At last, we will arrive at joy, the most acclaimed and longed for emotion. But you’ll perceive how joy just for itself can be empty (or even harmful), and how it becomes genuine and fulfilling when it’s serving a deeper purpose. You’ll understand how you can cultivate a deep and lasting joy that supports you and others’ well-being and irradiates all around you.

You will also have the opportunity to delve into other important and impactful emotions which do not fit withing the 7 universals, including guilt and shame.


  1. Understanding emotions
    1. What are emotions?
    2. What is their function?
    3. How do they work?
    4. Trigger, experience, and behavior: building a model for the emotional episode
  2. Transforming emotions
    1. How emotions become destructive
    2. How we can transform them into constructive
    3. Before the emotion: cultivating mental balance and working with hot triggers
    4. During the emotion: recognizing (emotional awareness), regaining choice, and transforming
    5. After the emotion: healing and using destructive emotional episodses for growth and improvement
    6. Recognizing emotions and facial expressions
    7. Dealing with and helping improve others’ emotional episodes
  3. The 7 universal emotions:
    1. Anger
    2. Fear & Surprise
    3. Disgust & Contempt
    4. Sadness
    5. Joy
    6. Other important emotions (guilt, shame, …)

Core practices:

  • Practices for increasing emotional awareness
  • Experiencing emotions in the body
  • Mapping out emotional episodes (individual & group)
  • Experiencing challenging emotions with a soothing presence
  • The practice of RAIN for dealing with difficult emotions
  • Grounding / anchoring
  • Connecting to the message of the emotion and reappraising
  • Transforming anger
  • Transforming fear
  • Healing sadness
  • Cultivating joy
  • Recognizing facial expressions and micro-expressions exercise
  • Interpersonal emotional scenario roleplay


Conative Balance

Although emotional balance is the core and main focus of the training, conative balance undoubtedly constitutes the foundation. Conation is the domain of the mind that pertains to values and motivations – how and what we give value to, and what motivates us to action and in life. It includes and is expressed as needs, wants, drives, desires, intentions, goals, and aspirations.


If you think about it, there is a reason you are here on this page right now reading this. However you arrived here, it only happened because you took a series of decisions based on what you give value to – what you want or need or desire – and you are only still reading it because you have interest in it. The very decision of you taking part in this program has a deep motivational component – there’s something important to you that you’re seeking or aiming at. Do you know what it is?

As you can see, our values and motivations are what guides the direction of our lives, and having them with strength and clarity is essential, as the famous inspirational quote illustrates: “when you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything”.

However, what most people are unaware of is that more important than just having goals and motivations is having the right ones. Because you can have and pursue goals and desires that when achieved do not actually give you significant and enduring happiness and well-being (proven by so many people needing more and more of something to feel a satisfaction that is never there); and you can even have desires and intentions that if fulfilled would result in harm and suffering to you and others. Can you see any of these situations happening in your life, others’ around you, and the world?

What if you could have aspirations and motivations that not only create geuine happiness and well-being when realized, but also do so just by having them and dedicating yourself to them?

The identification and cultivation of values that are wholesome and lead to genuine happiness and flourishing, together with the identification and transformation of those that don’t and do the contrary, constitutes that which we can call conative intelligence, and is the focus of this module.

In it, you’ll discover the difference between the kind of illusory and unsatisfactory happiness that comes from a life of blindly pursuing any and all your needs and desires – called Hedonia – and that which comes from (or rather, motivates) focusing on balancing your mind, cultivating good qualities of the heart, and living a life of meaning and purpose – Eudaimonia.

Throughout the module you will delve deep into this to understand it clearly, and then see it and apply it in your own life. You won’t be told which are the right and wrong values, but rather you’ll be taught how to examine and identify your own values yourself.

You will learn the essential components of Eudaimonia (or genuine happiness), and identify and cultivate the qualities of mind and heart that are its expression. We will focus on 4 main ones, called the Four Immeasurables (because they are more important than anything else, and can be expanded and amplified infinitely without becoming depleted): Loving-kindness, Compassion, Empathetic Joy, and Equanimity.

Conative balance, cultivated though conative intelligence, is not only fundamental in living with purpose and genuine happiness, it is also central to emotional balance – as you’ll discover. You will learn how all your emotions are related to something that is important to you (a value) and a response to how it is perceived to be affected. Constructive values can lead to constructive emotions, and destructive values to destructive emotions. Therefore, conative balance is the foundation of emotional balance.


  1. Setting an aspiration
    1. Introduction to genuine happiness
    2. The path of genuine happiness: attention, wisdom, and values
  2. Cultivating conative balance
    1. Identifying the true causes of happiness and suffering
    2. Hedonia and Eudaimonia
    3. The four immeasurables:
      • Loving-kindness
      • Compassion
      • Empathetic-joy
      • Equanimity
    4. Bringing genuine happiness to daily life and out into the world

Core practices:

  • Knowing your aspiration
  • Fourfold Vision Practice
  • The 4 immeasurables (Brahmaviharas)
    • Loving-kindness (metta)
    • Compassion (karuna)
    • Empathetic joy (mudita)
    • Equanimity (upekkha)


Attentional Balance

This course is all about transformation. But how do we go about creating it?

Transformation means taking old automatic patterns of thought / feeling / behavior that are disruptive and transforming them into new ones that are healthy and constructive. The difficulty with doing this is precisely that they are usually unconscious and automatic. Therefore, to change them we need to to make them conscious – bring awareness into them.


Awareness is our tool for transformation, and in this module you will learn to cultivate the skill of consciously directing and shaping the mind, called mindfulness (in its original meaning). I will walk you through all the steps for developping a balanced attention that is simultaneously relaxed, stable, and vivid and an awareness that is more conscious and powerful.

The module will cover all the important steps, from the most foundational to some of the most advanced, in a way that is suitable for any stage of practice you’re at – whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced meditator. We will begin by the most basic practice of mindfulness of breathing, spending a good time there while we progressively develop the qualities of relaxation, focus, and clarity. We will then progress to subtler and more refined practices for cultivating attention and strengthening awareness, including the practice of Settling the Mind in Its Natural State, and optionally Awareness of Awereness.

As you cultivate and strenghten this skill, you will gain the power to create deep and powerful changes in your mind, emotions, and behavior. They will be less and less automatic and more and more conscious – in short, you will gain choice.

Attentional balance is also a fundamental component of well-being and genuine happiness, in the way that it supports a mind that is calm and composed, in opposition to one that is constantly alternating between being troubled and agitated and being dull and without energy.

Just like water, a mind that is calm and clear is one that you can see through, while a mind that is agitated and turbulent or dull and muddy is one that distorts what you see or completely obscures it.

In this way, having a focused and clear attention will also allow you to probe deep into the nature of reality, yourself, and happiness and suffering, and gain important insight and understanding into how you and the world work. This can be profoundly transformative, as our views shape everything we do, feel, and think.


  1. Introduction to meditation
  2.  Mindfulness
    1. Introduction to mindfulness
    2. Three steps of mindfulness
      1. Relaxation
      2. Stability
      3. Vividness
  3. Cultivating attentional balance
    1. Introduction to attentional balance
    2. Mindfulness of the present, body, and breath
    3. Settling the mind in its natural state
    4. Achieving mental quiescence and tranquility

Core practices:

  • Attention training & mental serenity (Shamatha)
    • Mindfulness of the present
    • Mindfulness of breathing
      • Whole body
      • Abdomen
      • Nostrils
    • Settling the mind in its natural state 
    • Awareness of awareness (optional)


Cognitive Balance

Cognitive balance is the domain of your beliefs, ideas, and understanding of the world, yourself, others, and their interrelationships. Because everything you do, every desire you have, every thought you think, and every emotion you feel is based on and informed by your views of yourself and the world, this may be where the deepest transformation takes place.


If your views of and beliefs about yourself, others, and the world are unbalanced, distorted, and destructive, then they will inevitably give rise to desires, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that are also unbalanced, disruptive, maladaptive, and destructive. Whereas correctly and accurately knowing and understanding yourself and reality will allow you to navigate it and its challenging situations smoothly and constructively.

Of course, if we don’t know and understand ourselves and reality we will be lost and at the mercy of reality’s and our own mysterious and confusing workings. That’s called ignorance, but the case is usually even worse: we not only don’t know what’s true, but we firmly believe what isn’t. We distort the truth and project our own fears, thoughts, imagination, and pre-conceived ideas on it – called delusion – and then we feel and act according to them!

And when you clash against reality, reality always wins. You lose. We usually say suffering happens when reality is different from or against what we want, and happiness the inverse. But reality doesn’t change according to us, so the truth is that suffering happens when we think and believe differently than or against reality, and happiness when we’re aligned with it. So long as your views and beliefs are unbalanced, you can count on suffering…

This shows the importance of truly and accurately knowing yourself and understanding reality, which is what this module is all about. In it you will learn how to uncover and eliminate or transform distorted or limiting views and beliefs that are harming you and replace them with accurate and healthy ones.

However, these ‘accurate and healthy views and beliefs’ won’t be given to you as a ready-made thing that you can take and print to hang on your bedroom wall so you can memorize it. Why? Firstly, because I’m not perfectly enlightened and all-knowing.

Secondly, and most importantly, because true wisdom cannot be imparted – it must come from your own experience. Otherwise, it won’t be wisdom at all, but randomly memorized facts that you will be blindly trying to follow without really understanding and becoming more confused and frustrated in the process (rings a bell, modern education?). The Buddha said “come and see”. He never said “believe me ’cause I’m the Buddha”.

So, even if I was perfectly enlightened and all-knowing (especially if I was so), I wouldn’t do it. Instead, I will help you learn the methods for scrutinizingly investigating, removing false beliefs, and reaching insights deeper than you may have thought possible about yourself and the nature of reality.

It is then that we can discuss the insights and conclusions you reach through your own practice, and we will do so in this module. We will specially focus on three main topics that are distinctively important for cognitive balance, emotional balance, and well-being in general, rightfully called the 3 marks of existence. They form the ground of your understanding of reality and yourself and at same time are the ones that you are most inherently predisposed to be ignorant and delusional about.

As you can understand, this module is likely the most profound and transformative, and will be a strong force in helping you begin to transform not only your emotions but also your whole life.


  1. Cultivating cognitive balance
    1. Introduction to cognitive balance
    2. The importance of a balanced attention for the cultivation of wisdom
    3. The four applications of mindfulness: body, feelings, mind, and phenomena
    4. The 3 marks of existence and the nature of reality:
      1. Impermanence, emptiness and interdependence
      2. Dissatisfaction
      3. No-self
  2. Influence of wisdom and insight on emotional balance

Core practices:

  • Insight into reality & self (Vipashyana)
    • The 4 applications of mindfulness (satipatthanas):
      • Mindfulness of the body
      • Mindfulness of feelings
      • Mindfulness of the mind
      • Mindfulness of phenomena

The Benefits

This could be you:

Cultivating Emotional Balance Online Course - ceb course portal product presentation

Here's everything you get when you enroll in this Cultivating Emotional Balance + training today:

  • Full 42-hour + Cultivating Emotional Balance course $4500
  • Bonus courses on extra CEB-related topics $2500
    E.g. happiness, meditation, insight, emotional regulation, truama healing, ...
  • Ongoing expert support through the forums $1200
  • LIVE coaching and Q&A weekly calls with Dr. Filipe for 6 months $4800
  • Additional "pop-up" events for deeper exploration, practice together, guest speakers, & more... $1800
  • Access to a thriving community of like-minded people $600
  • Your certificate $200
  • Total $15600

or pay in full for just $1597.

Enroll Now

Enroll in the CEB+ 2024 cohort

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Most flexible

monthly x6

$297 usd

Best value

One payment

$1597 usd

save $185
*included 1 year of access to everything mentioned above. After that, you can renew at a huge members-only discount to keep access to the latest version of the course plus the community and the coaching calls.
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Who is Dr. Filipe Rocha?

Hi, my name is Filipe, founder of Healing Into Flourishing™, a global online academy where I offer all my best teachings, wisdom, tools, and guidance, and host an amazing community of people that grow together, helping, supporting, and connecting with each other along their paths.

Our members from all around the world have achieved profound and lasting transformation through all the resources, tools, guidance, and support they have access to.

I am also:

Cultivating Emotional Balance Online Course - Dr. Filipe Rocha cropped
Cultivating Emotional Balance Online Course - CEBTT2016
My CEB Teacher Training group, 2016. Can you find me?
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Old days at the hospital
Cultivating Emotional Balance Online Course - CEBTT2016 me
19-year-old Filipe meditating in a 5-week intensive retreat

Just like you, sometimes my destructive emotions run the show.

But, after years of practice, self-discovery, and applying the tools of CEB, I notice I have much more freedom and space in my emotional experiences.

Cultivating Emotional Balance Online Course - flourishing filipe cropped scaled
A picture of me, blossoming in life.
Yes, I make dad jokes. No, I'm not a dad.

When emotions arise, they usually no longer catch my mind in their grasp, I can think clearly and respond rather than react.

Besides, as I keep practicing, more and more my emotions become already naturally balancedwithout me having to change them.

I easily experience joy, even if nothing “good” is happening “outside”. And I’m equally able to experience so-called “negative” emotions in a positive way without being disturbed.

I have a greater capacity to love and be loved, to solve problems in a simple way (or not be troubled when I can’t), and to live a life filled with meaning and purpose.

Cultivating Emotional Balance Online Course - balanced stones


I find myself balanced most of the time, with an inner peace that is not much affected by external events and circumstances.

I would love to bring you all the wisdom, tools, and resources I’ve learned along my path, so you can experience the same. So, if you’d like to join me in this journey, I’d love to see you inside 🙂

– Filipe

My guarantee to you

Cultivating Emotional Balance Online Course - 100 money back guarantee

I wanted to remove all obstacles between you and these life-changing tools and wisdom.

That’s why I decided to take all the risk away from you and put it all on me

If you’re like the hundreds of people who have used CEB to drastically change their lives and achieve lasting balance…

I’m positive you’re going to be thrilled as you experience exactlty the same.

But if for any reason, for the entire duration of the course, you feel it’s not bringing you enough value…

Simply send a quick message to our support team and we’ll rush to refund your full investment.

No questions. No hassles.

I’m serious. I want it to be that way. I don’t want to trick or fool anyone, and I want you to feel safe investing in something knowing that it will benefit you.

That’s why I am happy to offer a full refund to customers who for some reason feel they didn’t get the value they sought from my work, in the very few cases it has happened (and yes, it has).

And in the other 99% of cases, I am even happier to see them succeed in transforming their lives beautifully with my help, guidance, and support.

So grab your seat today while you have the opportunity, knowing you have nothing to lose and only a lot to gain. The only thing you can lose here is the opportunity to create the life you want.

The risk is 100% on my shoulders. And that’s because I have absolute confidence this will change your life.

But please, don't lose time!

We’re closing enrollment on Friday at 10 pm Pacific Time. After that there will be no reopens, no exceptions.

We’re doing that because we are getting started on Monday already. Besides, I want to shift all my focus towards best serving my students, so I don’t want to be distracted with enrollment after it starts.

But that’s not really what matters… Because even if you had unlimited time…

How much more of it would you want to spend with destructive emotions that bring suffering to you and those around you?

My hunch is not one single day more.

And if you could choose a time to begin living a life of inner peace, joy, and purpose…

Would it be next year? Next month? Or, maybe, tomorrow?

I’m confident it would be today.

Well, here’s the good news: you can choose.

You must ask yourself: how much longer do you want to let things stay the way they are?

And when do you want to start really changing them?

Please, don’t waste one single day more living under your destructive emotions, don’t delay your happiness and inner balance, and take my advice: start now.

Remember, you have nothing to lose, but the opportunity.


Frequently Asked Questions

Cultivating Emotional Balance is a groundbreaking program that combines traditional contemplative practices with contemporary psychology and scientific research. The course is designed to help individuals achieve emotional balance, leading to increased well-being, happiness, and fulfillment in life.

Through a series of exercises, teachings, and meditations, CEB provides the tools to understand and manage your emotional life effectively. It helps you to recognize your emotional triggers, understand the nature of your emotional responses, and learn how to respond to emotional situations in a balanced, non-reactive manner.

By cultivating emotional balance, you can enhance your capacity for empathy and compassion, improve your relationships, and lead a more fulfilling and balanced life. Whether you’re dealing with daily stress or seeking deeper personal growth, CEB offers a practical framework for emotional wellbeing.

Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) is the result of a unique collaboration between world-renowned biologist Dr. Paul Ekman, esteemed Buddhist scholar Alan Wallace, and a team of leading experts in the field of psychology.

Dr. Paul Ekman is a pioneer in the study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions. He has been named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by TIME magazine for his groundbreaking work.

Alan Wallace, a scholar and practitioner of Buddhism since 1970, has taught Buddhist theory and meditation worldwide and written dozens of books. His knowledge in the mind sciences and contemplative practice is profound. He is also a long-time translator for the Dalai Lama.

Together, they developed CEB in 2000 during the “Mind and Life Dialogue” with the Dalai Lama. Their aim was to create a secular program that integrates Buddhist contemplative practices and Western techniques for dealing with negative emotional experiences to improve emotional regulation, reduce stress, and promote emotional balance and well-being.

When I began teaching, I was deeply moved by the results. I had students tell me how they’re no longer falling into the same old destructive patterns, but instead recognizing and changing their emotions – even after just a few weeks. I could literally see their attitudes and expressions transform as they healed and became lighter, wiser, and more joyful.

As the results kept showing and the feedback kept coming, I saw how this could help change the lives of many people, families, workplaces, communities, and the world, and a deep aspiration grew inside me to make them available to as many people and help transform as many lives as I could.

From that vision, I created Healing Into Flourishing™. Healing Into Flourishing is my worldwide online academy where I offer all my best teachings, wisdom, tools, and guidance, and host an amazing community of people that grow together, helping, supporting, and connecting with each other along their paths.

Inside Healing Into Flourishing, you’ll find the entire CEB training and so much more. There’s also a vibrant community of people from all around the world who are walking this path too, a forum for questions, support and discussions, and regular live coaching and Q&A calls with Dr. Filipe Rocha, along with other events.

HIF members from all around the world have achieved profound and lasting transformation through all the resources, tools, guidance, and support they have access to.

As a Cultivating Emotional Balance participant, you’re not just enrolling in a course, you’re embarking on a transformational journey designed to empower you to navigate your emotional world with grace, understanding, and resilience.

Is this journey right for you? Consider the following:

1. You often feel controlled by your emotions: If you find yourself in the passenger seat when it comes to your feelings, CEB offers you the opportunity to take the wheel. Through evidence-based strategies and practical techniques, you’ll learn to navigate your emotional terrain with ease and confidence.

2. You’re on a quest for personal evolution: Personal growth isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. If you’re committed to understanding yourself on a deeper level and unlocking your full potential, CEB can serve as your roadmap, guiding you towards greater emotional intelligence and self-understanding.

3. You desire richer, more fulfilling relationships: Our emotional wellbeing directly influences our relationships. By mastering your emotional landscape, you can enhance your connections with others, fostering greater empathy, understanding, and mutual respect.

4. You’re intrigued by mindfulness and meditation: If you’re drawn to the transformative power of mindfulness and meditation, you’ll appreciate how CEB marries these ancient practices with modern psychology. This unique blend provides a comprehensive approach to emotional wellbeing.

5. You’re a professional in a challenging field: For those in high-stress or emotionally demanding professions, CEB can be a lifeline. It equips you with the skills to manage stress, avoid burnout, and maintain your emotional equilibrium, no matter what challenges you face.

Who this course is not for: 

1. You’re seeking a quick fix: If you’re looking for a magic pill or an overnight solution to deep-seated emotional challenges, CEB might not be for you. This course encourages a deep, introspective journey which requires time, patience, and commitment.

2. You’re resistant to change: The transformation CEB offers requires an openness to change and a willingness to challenge your current ways of dealing with emotions. If you’re not open to changing your patterns, you might not fully benefit from what CEB has to offer.

3. You’re not willing to commit time and effort: Cultivating Emotional Balance requires a certain level of dedication. The course involves regular practice and application of the techniques taught. If you’re unable or unwilling to commit to this, CEB might not be the right fit for you.

In conclusion, if you’re ready to dive deep into your emotional life and emerge with greater balance, resilience, and understanding, then yes, Cultivating Emotional Balance is absolutely right for you. It’s more than a course – it’s your pathway to a more emotionally balanced and fulfilling life.

Absolutely yes! This program is designed to take you from absolute emotional illiteracy to profound emotional balance. It’s suitable for those just beginning, as well as those who have a lot of experience already and want to go deeper.

Regarding meditaiton, the course will guide you through the very first steps of meditation practice, all the way to more advanced and profound practices and meditations.

We can steadily enhance our capacity for attention, wisdom, and good qualities, by strengthening these mental qualities just as we can our triceps. As with our physique the key is steady practice.

Part of CEB training involves learning various forms of meditation that present a systematic path leading to deeper levels of concentration, but begin with the simple exercise of following the breath.

Not at all. The themes and practices of CEB are universal and are not tied to any particular religion, but are open to all.

No. The program is a stand-alone resource for profound insight and radical transformation, designed to be suitable for anyone with any background.

It produces results on its own, even if you have no prior practice, knowledge, or experience required. It can also be very valuable and powerful if you already have a lot of practice and knowledge.

The only important requirement is being open to giving it a serious try and willing to make even the slightest commitment to applying the tools and wisdom inside. You’ll see results if you apply what you’ll learn.

Yes! All those who successfully complete the course will receive a participation and completion certificate by the Dr. Filipe Rocha and Healing Into Flourishing.

No. This is an educative program and not a therapeutic one, meaning it’s meant to provide you with the information and tools to apply in your own life, and not to create any change or results only by itself (although its highly experiential component often does).

By itself, the program will do nothing, and simply purchasing or even watching it will certainly not bring you results. The results and transformation stated are the possibility of what you can achieve if you commit to and apply the information and tools of the program, and are in no way guaranteed. The results and transformation you’ll get depend almost entirely on the degree of your commitment and application of these, and may vary between different people with different backgrounds.

This is the only way that I (or anyone) can help you create real, deep, lasting transformation: by making you the responsible one for it, and then empowering you with everything you need to make it smoother, safer, faster, and more powerful.

If results were guaranteed, this would be just another disempowering gimmick for fake or feeble transformation.

But, if I want you to become empowered to transform yourself in a beautiful, wise way, then I must do it this way – I must put you as your own teacher and healer, where results depend on you and not on me or my teachings (how cool is that?).

Meaning: I must not guarantee your results myself.

However, if you engage with the course materials and apply what you learn, even if minimally, I am very confident you will see results – created by yourself.

Once you fill in your information and complete your order, you will receive instant access to the portal and an email with your login details. The portal is hosted on a secure, private, and mobile-friendly platform that you can access via any device, at any time, and where you will have your own private account.

For the monthly plan, your access is renewed monthly. For the Pay-In-Full plan you get access to the entire 6 months at once.

After that, you can renew your membership at a huge members-only discount and you’ll keep access to everything for as long as you choose to remain a member!

That’s up to you! However, you can expect to spend between 30 and 90 minutes on the portal per week if you follow our suggested schedule. For best results, we also highly recommend you make some time to practice regularly throughout the week.

You’ll most likely come to love the time you spend learning and practicing, as it will feel like a soothing, regulating, comforting and inspiring hug.

If you choose the monthly plan, you will be billed automatically each month using your payment method of choice. You will receive an email reminder a few days before every payment, and you can easily change your payment method in your customer dashboard.

In a few words: we don’t like to keep the money of someone we haven’t helped. If you feel you’re not getting enough value from this training, you can send us a message and we’ll refund your investment in full. Plus, the refund period extends throguhout the entire 6 months of the course, so you’re not pressured in any way.

Due to demand and to best serve every member who joins, enrollment is made exclusively via the waitlist. We open enrollment a few times a year, so make sure to sign up so you don’t miss the next one! Everyone on the waitlist will receive an email with instructions to join.

  1. Sign up for the waitlist
  2. Check your inbox to confirm your email address
  3. Watch your inbox for the email announcing open enrollment
  4. We’ll send you an email with instructions to join when enrollment opens

Yes! This is open to anyone in any time zone, in any country, and we have members from literally all corners of the world! All live virtual events will be recorded so they can be accessed at any time.

I operate my business under an inclusivity and generosity-based model. Aware of the disparity of access to resources around the world, every year I offer a small number of scholarships for those in economic hardship. If you’re in these circunstances, please contact us at to fill in your application. The scholarship spaces are very limited and not guaranteed. If you are not in these circunstances, please enroll using one of the payment plans provided.

We’re here to help! Send an email to or reach us on WhatsApp!
Copyright © 2025 Healing Into Flourishing. All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Cultivating Emotional Balance is an educative program and not a therapeutic one, meaning it’s meant to provide you with the information and tools to apply in your own life, and not to create any change or results only by itself (although its highly experiential component often does). The results and transformation stated are the possibility of what you can achieve if you commit to and apply the information and tools of the program, and are in no way guaranteed. The results and transformation you’ll get depend almost completely on the degree of your commitment and application of these, and may vary between different people with different backgrounds. If you are looking for a quick-fix or magic bullet that will fix all your problems in an quick and easy way without you having to do the work, please DO NOT ENROLL IN THIS PROGRAM. This also means the program should not be and is not a replacement for therapy or medication. If you suffer from any mental disorder, please consult with your physician and/or therapist before enrolling in the program.

Join the CEB+ waitlist!

Due to demand and to best serve every member who joins, enrollment is made exclusively via the waitlist. We open enrollment a few times a year, so make sure to sign up so you don’t miss the next one! Everyone on the waitlist will receive an email with instructions to join.

We respect your privacy and we will never share your information with anyone for any reason. We promise no span, and you can unsubscribe at any time with one click. By signing up to the waitlist you are agreeing to receive educative, inspirational, and promotional emails from us.