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Emotional Balance Bootcamp

Course starts in:


Are You Feeling Stuck, dysregulated, or overwhelmed?

Make your emotions work for you, not against you.

Join Dr. Filipe Rocha and Transform Your Emotions from Obstacles to Your Best Friends to Recover Control, Heal Yourself, and Create the Life You Desire and Deserve.



What is Emotional Dysregulation costing you?

Unbalanced emotions are the root-cause of your problems, pain, and being stuck.
Emotions affect every area of your life, even if you're unaware of it:

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Health Impacts & Fitness Concerns

Accumulated unprocessed emotions & stress manifest as physical symptoms and illnesses.

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Unhealthy or Strained Relationships

Unhealed trauma attracts toxic relationships, while a lack of self-regulation prevents healthy ones.

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Career/Business & Financial Consequences

Poor emotional regulation leads to poor decisions, degraded performance & even burnout.

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Decreased Mental Health & Wellness

You can't feel truly happy, balanced, and fulfilled with emotional unbalance.

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Unhealthy Habits & Unachieved Goals

Unbalanced emotions keep you stuck in unhealthy habits and self-sabotage your goals/dreams.

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Stagnated Purpose, Growth, & Spirituality

Unbalanced emotions block your purpose and higher levels of growth and spirituality.

But if emotions are so problematic, should you just try to eliminate them altogether?

Absolutely not.

The truth is, your emotions can also greatly help you, save your life, and even be a profound source of well-being.

Erasing them would not only not help you, it would actually be harmful to you.

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Instead, what you need is a balance.

You need to increase your constructive emotions while decresing destructive ones.

It's time to break free and thrive!

The solution is to balance your emotions...
Here's how it works:

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When emotions are UNBALANCED, they become your BIGGEST BLOCKS to anything you want to achieve, keeping you stuck in negative patterns and even causing you pain and suffering.

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But if you learn how to return to BALANCE, not only will they stop blocking and harming you...They will literally become your SUPERPOWERS, contributing to your well-being and helping you achieve anything you want fast, easily, and with great success!

“I learned how to handle emotions for the first time in my life, started to heal my own emotional wounds, completely changed my professional trajectory, had the most beautiful and joyful epiphany about how lucky I am to be who I am and have the life I have had, was called an avatar of the divine, and realized that my professional goals might be more of a calling than a job.”
Jason Hudson

With Emotional Balance, you go from...


But here's the problem:

Most people have no idea how to balance or even control their emotions...

They feel overwhelmed and without choice or power to change.

They are helpless while their emotions run – and ruin – their lives.

But it’s not your fault…

You see, it would be amazing if we could *simply* decide to transform our emotions and make them do what's best for us...

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But the problem is, for most people, emotions are beyond their conscious control – you don’t have a choice, they just happen to you.

So maybe that’s you...

Meaning: there’s NOTHING you can do about your destructive emotions… right?

It may very well make you feel like that. Most people don’t have any hope left that they can change, saying things like “It’s just the way I am” or “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”.

I understand – emotions can be messy… But I want you to know:

It doesn't have to be like that.

“Taking this course was one of the best things I've ever done. I went from being completely out of touch with my feelings, to being able to listen to my emotions and appreciate their value.

Where I used to distract myself from sadness and other emotions, I have now learned methods to sit with my emotions and process them.

I now feel anxious less often, instead feeling calm, peaceful and ready to deal with whatever comes my way.

Kate Palmer
United Kingdom

For almost a decade, I’ve been helping people understand, balance, and transform their emotions, so they can stop being stuck and instead thrive in life as their best and happiest version.

And I’d love to teach you the same. That’s why, today, I have a special invitation for you…

Hi, I'm Dr. Filipe Rocha.

You can simply call me Filipe. I’m teaching you this work today because…

  • I did it and continue to do it myself;
  • I experienced the benefits and transformation first-hand;
  • And I wanted to help others experience the same.

Like you, I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed by emotions and make choices I later regret. I’m very familiar with the feeling of being stuck…

But, also like you, I was aware of all the incredible potential inside me. And the life I wanted was one of peace, love, growth, purpose, and joy.

And it became clear to me that, for that, I needed to master and balance my emotions first.

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So, I set on a life-changing path of discovery, insight, and profound transformation.

I had to meet my own darkest and scariest shadows, work with my deepest fears, and heal my most painful wounds.

I discovered and experienced the various pitfalls, dead ends, and obstacles of the path, and learned how to navigate them and use them for my growth rather than give up and quit.

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It wasn’t a smooth’n’easy path.

But through this whole process, my awareness greatly expanded, and my wisdom deepened.

I gained profound insight into the nature and functioning of my mind and emotions

And, from this wisdom, I was able to transform them in a deep and lasting way.

Now, I notice I have much more freedom and space in my emotional experiences.

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A picture of me, blossoming in life.
Yes, I make dad jokes. No, I'm not a dad (besides 3 cats).

When challenging emotions arise, I can think clearly and respond rather than react.

I easily experience joy, even if nothing “good” is happening “outside”.
And I’m able to experience so-called “negative” emotions in a positive way without being disturbed.

I have a greater capacity to:

  • Love and be loved;
  • Solve problems in a simple way (or not be troubled when I can’t);
  • And live a life filled with meaning and purpose.


I find myself balanced most of the time, with an inner peace that is not much affected by external events and circumstances.

But then, I looked around…

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…and I saw friends, family, colleagues, and strangers still suffering every day from their own disruptive emotions.

Not to speak of entire communities and even humanity as a whole living under limitations and conflicts originating from unbalanced minds and their destructive tendencies.

I could see the problem, but now, I could see the solution too.

I realized how the awareness, wisdom, and tools I had developed through my own path could help others transform and experience the same benefits I had.

How they could have an enormous impact not only on each one’s individual life, but also on our societies and the world as a whole.

That is what made me decide to teach...

So I brought together all my learnings, experiences, and tools into a powerful system that reliably helps those who apply it achieve lasting emotional balance, healing, and transformation.

Besides, I’ve studied practically every modality, program, approach, tool, teacher, and tradition out there that also helps people heal and transform. I’ve studied and practiced from the most ancient wisdom traditions to the most cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology.

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Old days at the hospital
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My CEB Teacher Training group, 2016. Can you find me?
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19-year-old Filipe meditating in a 5-week intensive retreat

I’ve taken the very best of each and all of these tools and modalities (while leaving out their limitations), and I’ve integrated them all into the master approach I’ll guide you through.

This is the approach I’ve developed that integrates all my wisdom and experience with all those tools and modalities into a powerful and cohesive framework that helps you heal, transform, overcome your blocks, and reach your next level in the safest, fastest, easiest, most effective, and most enjoyable way.

And the feedback has been moving.

When I began teaching and sharing my system, I was deeply moved by the results.

I had students tell me how they’re no longer falling into the same old destructive patterns, but instead recognizing and changing their emotions – even after just a few weeks.

I could literally see their attitudes and expressions transform as they healed and became lighter, wiser, and more joyful.

Take a look at what some of them said:

“So many situations in my life where I realize that before I would freak out, or overthink. And now I can be in balance with myself. I came just to learn, and have full therapy going on.”
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Nataliia Poroshynska

I now have an easy pathway to managing emotions, so I don’t have to be afraid of them. It is so much easier to talk about challenges in life and work. I’m not afraid that conversations will go sideways, because I understand my feelings in most situations.

I feel so much more present with my family. This has been a big shift. Just being with my kids and getting to know them again has been an enormous gift.”

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Claire Steichen
United States
“As a chaplain and pastor, I have studied and practiced emotional awareness for many years. This course gave me the tools to dig deeper, refresh how I interpret my past, and enrich the possibilities for my growth. Filipe's gifts for connection are truly extraordinary—at once he is a scientist and an angel. In all my training, I have rarely encountered a teacher as skillful as Filipe. I joyfully recommend Filipe's course. ”
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Pamela Patton
United States

“I can now recognize all my emotions and name them. I'm much more willing to feel my emotions, even the uncomfortable ones. I've felt the healing that comes from leaning into sadness...

I'm achieving emotional balance more often, doing well with regulating at work and home, and was promoted to a higher level of management. I'm glad I avoided moving up without the tools to not burnout and help my team.”

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Shelley De Leon
United States
“I am so thrilled to have this information about transforming emotions. For years I have been seeking detailed meditation guidance and ideas for how to experience healthy emotions - I have been asking therapists and meditation teachers about this stuff for maybe 15 years, and now I am finally finding it. Thank you Filipe!!”
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Bodhi Paine-Mason
“I used to feel bad about having needs and feelings. Now, I'm able to communicate them better without a bad conscience. Without this course, I would have fallen into despair and acceptance of things that are not healthy for me.”
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Sanna Städtler

“I often had anger boil over at the drop of the hat when challenged with something difficult as my anxiety "cup" was nearly full all the time.

Now, I'm able to turn strong negative emotions into insight and make them constructive. I'm much more regulated and insightful, able to help influence others by understanding their emotions... I'm able to relieve physical pains/discomfort through addressing the underlying emotions causing the tension in the first place. And I'm able to recognize all emotions, especially sadness as productive assets and embrace them.

I'm thankful that I avoided remaining reactionary, likely to the detriment of relationships including that with my now 2 year old daughter, and to the detriment of my own physical and mental health.”

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Brandon Hunter
United States

“I have less emotionally reactive episodes at work where most of my stress and burnout came from when I joined the course. My team at work has visibly noticed and appreciated how I’m dealing with my anxiety and collaborating more in difficult meetings and seeking to understand.

I started the course dysregulated and burnt out. Now, I believe in myself and that I can work out my emotions. It's awesome to see how I’ve evolved!”

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Sunitha Raghunath
United States

“I came to this course emotionally stuck with a lot of unprocessed anger. I gained a deeper appreciation for and grace with myself knowing how my emotions were formed to keep me safe. I experienced a lot of emotional freedom, whereas before the cultural beliefs and practises around me were fiercely pushing another narrative of bypassing emotions.

This deeper knowledge of and friendship with all my parts so I am more regulated allow me to deal with my children from that point which they deserve - healed. Without this, I would have sunk deeper into "mum guilt".”

Halimah Kurghali
United Kingdom
“I was struggling with being constantly flooded with emotions. Using the meditation techniques that we learned, I was able to connect with the root cause of my feelings of loneliness and sadness. I understood that getting to the root cause of an emotion changes the experience of this emotion and is healing. It was very moving to see this is possible and I now feel empowered to work with my emotions by myself because I know how to do it safely.”
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Kasia Morks

It could happen for you, too.

So imagine for a second what it would feel like to have emotional balance yourself…

What would your life be like?
What kind of impact would that have on your relationships?
Your health?
Your self-esteem and self-confidence?
Your focus, productivity, and performance at work?
What about your inner peace, well-being, and impact on the world?

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And imagine if you were able to do this without all the frustration, burnout, self-judgement, and wasted time that are so common among anyone who struggles with their destructive emotions.

I want to help you go from living in a permanent dysregulated emotional state to creating deep, lasting balance.

Once you get this down, you’ll start experiencing:

When you are able to self-regulate, you can control your destiny and create the life that’s most meaningful to you.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds of people like you transform their lives in beautiful ways – and I’d love to help you too.

I want to share with you all the wisdom, tools, and resources I’ve learned along the path, so you can experience the same.

If you’d like to join me on this journey, then I’m deeply happy to introduce you to…

Emotional Balance Bootcamp™

An 8-week coaching experience to balance your emotions, reduce stress and overwhelm, take back control of your life, and build the resilience to thrive no matter what.

What the Emotional Balance Bootcamp™ will help you achieve...

Meet the Emotional Balance Roadmap™

It's how the Emotional Balance Bootcamp™ helps you finally break the cycle and achieve lasting balance...

Once you sign up for the Emotional Balance Bootcamp, you’ll be guided through six powerful and enlightening stages that will not only teach you everything about balancing emotions…

…but most importantly how you can harness their power so they stop blocking you and start empowering you instead.

STAGE 1: Meet Your Emotions

The Foundations For Achieving Lasting Emotional Balance (For Life)

In Stage 1 you will:

STAGE 2: Create Inner Safety

Restore Inner Balance And Move Away From Dysregulated States & Unhealthy Patterns

In Stage 2 you will:

STAGE 3: Get Unstuck

Release The Accumulated Traumas, Stress, And Unprocessed Emotions Of A Lifetime

In Stage 3 you will:

STAGE 4: Reclaim Choice

Own Your Destiny By Learning To Respond Rather Than React

In Stage 4 you will:

STAGE 5: Rewire Your Triggers

Permanently break free from old patterns And create new pathways that help you thrive

In Stage 5 you will:

STAGE 6: Sustainable Growth

Sustain Emotional Balance And Continue Thriving For The Rest Of Your Life.

In Stage 6 you will:

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1. Meet Your Emotions

The foundations for achieving lasting emotional balance (for life).

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2. Create Inner Safety

Increase your Window Of Tolerance, conquer your stress & heal your emotions.

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3. Get Unstuck

Stop blocking yourself and reclaim peace, power, and freedom.

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4. Regain Choice

Respond rather than react: control your emotions instead of being controlled.

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5. Rewire Your Triggers

Shift old negative patterns and create new pathways that help you thrive instead.

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6. Sustainable Growth

Build resilience and Emotional Fitness so you can thrive and live in Purpose.

As you can see, the Emotional Balance Roadmap:

  • Is the step-by-step roadmap to cultivate Emotional Balance in the right order.
  • Builds itself on small steps so you always know where to go next and you don’t get lost or overwhelmed.
  • The best part is that if you follow the steps of the roadmap and worry about nothing else, they will take you to the destination – lasting Emotional Balance – through the fastest, safest, easiest, and most enjoyable path.

Here's why this approach is unlike any other thing you've tried before.

You may be doubting or even afraid this won’t work for you.

I get it—I really do.

Maybe you’ve tried it before, and it didn’t work.
Maybe you even tried other programs, courses, techniques, coaching, or therapy before.
You really did your best.

But, despite all your efforts, nothing really worked and lasted, and you still feel stuck.

Or, maybe, you believe that this is just the way you are and you can’t change.

If you’re thinking any of these, you’re not alone—many of my students felt skeptical and even hopeless before they took the Emotional Balance Bootcamp.

After the Bootcamp, all of them could see significant improvements in Emotional Balance and real transformations in their well-being, relationships, work, and virtually all areas of their lives!

The Emotional Balance Bootcamp is different.

It not only offers you profound knowledge about how emotions really work…

It’s the integrated and holistic approach you need to balance and transform them at the root in the safest, fastest, and most effective way I know (and I know most of them).

This is why our students have so much success, and why they keep contacting us years later saying how the program still continues to change their lives every day.

In their own words, they felt like light, hope, and joy were back in their lives!

“It has helped me tremendously. Over the years I've tried everything to help me deal with the pain but nothing ever worked until I listened to you. It gave me hope and lifted so much weight off my shoulders, I truly feel like a new person. I always felt like I wasted 50 years of my life but now after listening to you I want to enjoy the rest of my life with joy and gratitude. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you thank you Filipe!”
Diane McLaughlin
“The Bootcamp is a hands-on experience unlike talk therapy. It moves beyond cognitive thinking to action and personal empowerment. I wish everyone in the world could benefit from this course.”
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Valorie Sundby
United States

“EBB allowed me to go deeper into understanding my inner world, addressing the root cause instead of just managing symptoms and avoiding triggers, like I was doing before. It has been a life-changing experience for me.

I've done many courses before this one, but the way the EBB is structured helped much of the knowledge I already had finally fall into place. It gave me an awareness of when and how to use different tools and, most of all, finally allowed me to achieve a sense of inner safety that I had never felt before.”

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Sarah Biondi

We give you everything you need to succeed!

Inside the Emotional Balance Bootcamp, you’ll never be left alone, confused, or overwhelmed.

We’ve handmade designed this program to support you through every step of your journey, ensuring you always have clarity on where you are and your next step, and the confidence that you’ve got backup no matter what.

In other words, we’ll hold your hand every step of the way to success.

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Here's everything you get:

Emotional Balance Bootcamp's Six Module Core Curriculum ($2500 value)

Get the full 6-phase Emotional Balance Bootcamp curriculum to learn and apply at your own time and convenience. Lifetime access.

Five “plug & play” Guided Meditations for Emotional Balance ($1000 value)

We've made it as easy as possible for you to turn everything you learn into actual implementation and transformation. That’s why we also give you five “plug and play” guided meditations to implement what you’ll learn.
These meditations have been carefully designed by me to create real transformation, and the fact is that if they were all you did you would still get powerful results. They remove all the struggle and effort that you’d have trying to apply the teachings on your own, because they allow you to just relax, press play, and be guided through the practices. My students love them and you will too.

Six Transformative LIVE Implementation Calls with an EBB coach ($1200 value)

These live implementation calls with an Emotional Balance certified coach will guide you through implementing the key insights and practices from each module in your life, help you get clarity, and overcome any obstacles you face.
These six live implementation calls (one for each module) ensure you really implement and follow the process, and most importantly that you get coaching and support in every step of the way.

Three LIVE Q&A Sessions with Dr. Filipe Rocha ($900 value)

These are calls where you can ask any question in advance and I’ll answer any and all your questions, giving you clarity, confidence, and insights into your challenges that help you breakthrough from your blocks and reach you next level. And yes, these are recorded too, and I’ll answer your question even if you can’t make it live.

Eight weeks of UNLIMITED Expert support in the Forums ($800 value)

You get access to our private portal where you can post any time and we’ll support you and answer your questions practically every day of the week.

Worksheets, Exercises, Journaling Prompts ($300 value)

To help you implement it all in your life.

EBB Success Jumpstart LIVE with Dr. Filipe ($300 value)

A live training with me at the start of the program to teach you the best practices, guidelines, and success hacks that ensure you get the most benefit possible out of the Emotional Balance Bootcamp.

EBB Graduation Ceremony LIVE with Dr. Filipe ($300 value)

Another live call with me at the end of the program to celebrate your wins and transformation, and give you clarity on the plan moving forward. It’s usually a very high-vibes moment.

Six Module Watch Parties ($300 value)

We noticed that for some participants it was easy to procrastinate and never watch the modules, which would then prevent them from implementing and seeing results. And because that’s the last thing we want, we came up with a solution.
We host six module Watch Parties, one for each module, where everyone comes together at a set day and time to watch that week’s module in community. This works because now you have something on you calendar, so you can commit to it. Besides, you know you’ll be watching it with your peers, which makes it much more appealing. It’ just like going to the cinema. These are completely optional by the way, but they’re awesome.

How much would Lasting Emotional Balance be worth to you?

I asked my Emotional Balance Bootcamp students what it was worth for them.
Here’s what they said…

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So I went with the lowest value they said, which is $1200.

…up until now. This time, I’ve decided to make it completely generosity-based.

This means that you can enroll today with just a $50 deposit (fully refundable), and later you will be able to choose how much you wish to give back (whether that is $1200, $600, $300, or even $150 – you choose what you can and are happy to give).

Why am I doing this? Three reasons:

1. I want to make these resources available to everyone without barriers (I’d rather have a bigger impact than a bigger profit, as long as there’s a balance).

2. I’m tired of how the monetary system works on this planet and I’m trying to create a more generosity-based economy.

3. I want to spend less time and energy worrying about convincing you to join the program, and more on actually serving you inside the program.

So you have the unprecedented opportunity to join my full Emotional Balance Bootcamp right now for just a $50 deposit plus whatever you wish to give back later.

But that’s not what really matters. What really matters is that once you join the Emotional Balance Bootcamp and you get your emotions working for you, not against you, you’ll finally be free from that toxic pattern, improve that relationship, feel lighter and happier, reach your next level, and get to live with purpose every day.

Ready to enroll?

three simple steps to secure your spot in the emotional balance bootcamp:

1. Fill in your information

Name + email

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2. Place a $50 deposit

Fully refundable

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3. Celebrate!

You're enrolled!

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Enrollment Plans

Once you place your refundable $50 deposit, you’re enrolled in the Emotional Balance Bootcamp and your spot is secured. It also grants you access to our private portal, community, support, and bonus trainings instantly, for you to enjoy even while the program hasn’t officially started.

Then, when the program officially starts, you will need to choose one of the plans below to complete your registration and get access to the program.
Next cohort planned start: January 2025.

Standard Program

Get the full Emotional Balance Bootcamp experience


Three installments



One time

Premium Coaching

For those who want to go Deeper, Faster, and Beyond


Six installments



One time

*all prices in USD
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Access For All

We strive to make this life-changing wisdom, tools, and resources available to everyone without barriers. We want you to be able to heal and thrive regardless of your economic conditions. That's why we reserve a small number of partial scholarships for those struggling with poor financial conditions. If that's you, please reach out to support@starsoulschool.com after you place your $50 deposit above, and we'll find you the best solution.
Note: These scholarships are meant for those in poor economic conditions only and come at our own expense. They're not meant as a discount to our program in any form, and our standard rates are already as low as we can make them (other programs that offer you less are usually about 4x our cost). So please only reach out if this applies to you.

SURPRISE! I have even more for you...

When you enroll in the Emotional Balance Bootcamp today, you also get the full bonus package worth >$5476!

When I say I want to give you everything, I mean everything.

And that’s why I decided to include in your registration for the Emotional Balance Boocamp a few special bonuses that I know will take your transformation and experience to the next level.

They’re usually paid, but they’re yours free when you join today!

Note: These bonuses are only available on this page. In order to get them, you must join from this page. Once the countdown timer hits zero, these bonuses go away.

BONUS #1: Private Community

Join our wonderful private community. This is a place where you can meet, connect with, and support and be supported by other like-minded people who are also walking their path of Emotional Balance.

I can say first-hand that these are some of the most amazing people on the planet, they’ll keep you accountable at your best, and they’ll be there for you with understanding and encouragement even in your worst moments.

My students typically fall in love with the community and often say it’s the place where they’ve felt the safest to be themselves ever.

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Everyone needs community. The people that surround us have an enormous impact on us and who we become. The problem for you is you’re probably not surrounded by people who understand what you’re going through and what you’re trying to do, much less support you. Sometimes, it’s people doing the very opposite. So, a safe and supportive community is the last missing piece of the puzzle to ensure your success.

That’s why I’m solving this problem for you by giving you access to our wonderful private community. With this bunch of balanced people on your back, you’ll have no chance but to succeed. It’s like having an army fighting for you. And you’ll get immediate access to this awesome group the moment you join EBB.

Note: your access to the StarSoul School™ private community will be made available immediately when you enroll in EBB and complete your onboarding process. This bonus will be made available for the total duration of the program, which is eight full weeks from the start date (or six months for Premium Coaching participants). After that, you can choose to continue as a member as part of a small subscription, however, this is completely optional and will not be automatically added.

BONUS #2: Mindfulness Meditation Foundations course

Mindfulness and meditation are one of the most powerful tools for cultivating emotional balance. While you may already be an experienced meditator, most probably you aren’t – or worse, have tried it and had a bad experience.

My Mindfulness Meditation Foundations course will guide you through developing a meditation practice from the ground up, even if you have little or zero experience.

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Most importantly, if you tried it before and just couldn’t do it, or if you highly doubt you can meditate, this course teaches you my unique “Organic Meditation Method” approach to mindfulness and meditation that makes it so easy and literally impossible to fail, because it works not by fighting or trying to control your mind but by embracing it and working with it.

As far as I’m aware, you won’t find this approach anywhere else, and while it’s sold to the public for $997, it’s yours for free today with your investment in yourself with EBB.

Retail Value: $997!
Note: the Mindfulness Meditation Foundations course will be made available immediately when you enroll in EBB and complete your onboarding process. This bonus will be made available for a minimum of one full year from the date you enroll.

BONUS #3: Breathwork for Emotional Balance training

“Breathwork for Emotional Balance” is an experiential and hands-on training that teaches you this powerful tool for self-regulation and transformation.

Whether you’ve never tried it or you’re a seasoned pro, this training has something to offer you, because it will not only teach you powerful practices adequate for any level, it will also deepen them into their applications for emotional balance and each of the three pillars like you’ve never seen before.

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With the power of Breathwork for Emotional Balance, you’ll be equipped to regulate your emotions with great effectiveness and speed by using just your body. This training can be bought for $997, yet it’s yours for free today with your investment in yourself with EBB.

Retail Value: $997!
Note: the Breathwork for Emotional Balance training will be made available when module 4 is released (after 28 days). This bonus will be made available for a minimum of one full year from the date you enroll.

BONUS #4: Post-Emotion Recovery & Growth training

This training is for those moments where, despite your best efforts, you are still overwhelmed by an emotion, become unable to think properly, and maybe end up taking a destructive behavior.

What’s special about this training is that even when that happens you can still turn that emotion into something positive.

How? Well, that’s what this training will teach you: how to recover from even the most dysregulated emotions and turn them into an opportunity for self-love, regulation, insight, and profound growth.

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Imagine what life would be like if you could not only quickly and easily recover every negative emotion, you could also turn every single one of them into more healing, growth, and well-being? How much would that make everything better, and how much more relaxed and safe would you feel?

Post-Emotion Recovery & Growth training is the difference between post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth, and I never sell it independently, so the only way you can get it is by joining the Emotional Balance Bootcamp today!

Retail Value: Not sold separately!
Note: the Constructive Post-Episode training will be made available when module 6 is released (after 42 days). This bonus will be made available for a minimum of one full year from the date you enroll.

BONUS #5: Procrastinating On Procrastination training - How To Stop Procrastinating By Embracing It

Procrastination is just a symptom of unbalanced emotions… and when you balance those emotions, you naturally stop procrastinating. This special training will help you do just that… and it’s yours free when you join today.

This one is for the procrastinators out there. If you tend to leave important things (like joining EBB) to the last second… I’ve got you. When you enroll in EBB before the deadline you’re also getting my training on overcoming procrastination in a trauma-informed way. Hopefully, you won’t leave it to the last second…

Retail Value: Not sold separately!
Note: the Procrastinting On Procrastination training will be made available immediately when you enroll in EBB and complete your onboarding process. This bonus will be made available for a minimum of one full year from the date you enroll.

BONUS #6: Empowered Connection - The Art Of Emotionally Intelligent Relationships

This bonus training will teach you how to deal with the emotions of others and skillfully navigate emotional conflicts, with the end result being emotionally healthy relationships.

With this training, you’ll be equipped to turn emotional situations with others into regulation and growth for you and potentially all parts involved!

Emotional Balance Bootcamp - couple talking

Relationships are one of the biggest reasons people join our program, and the emotions of others are one of the biggest sources of triggers and emotional dysregulation. That’s why I’m also including this training for free with your investment in yourself today with EBB!

Retail Value: $497!
Note: the Empowered Connection training will be taught live within the first 90 days of your enrollment. The recording will be made available for a minimum of one full year from the date you enroll.

BONUS #7: Emotional Cleansing Primer

This is a pack of three guided hypnotherapy sessions designed to help alleviate and release much of the accumulated stresses, worries, and traumas of a lifetime that you’re carrying and are weighing you down.

These three powerful sessions will allow you to greatly reduce stress and overwhelm and return to a state of regulation.

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This bonus is especially good for those who feel stressed, spread out thin with a very small window of tolerance, and maybe even overwhelmed. And the best part is you just need to press play and relax. You can get this for $297, or you can join the Emotional Balance Bootcamp now at and get it for free.

Retail Value: $297!
Note: the Emotional Cleansing Primer will be made available immediately when you enroll in EBB and complete your onboarding process. This bonus will be made available for a minimum of one full year from the date you enroll.

*Premium Coaching extra bonus: if you join through the Premium Coaching plan, instead of just the 3-session primer, you get the full Emotional Cleansing Hypnopack, composed of 12+ guided sessions, which go deeper on helping you cleanse and release the specific, deeper traumas and emotional wounds of your life. Retail value: $997

BONUS #8: Mindful Money Manifestation workshop

The way you relate to money and manage it is deeply connected to your emotional state and how you manage your emotions.

This hands-on workshop will help you manifest more abundance in your life by understanding and rewiring your relationship to money and receiving.

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This will be a deep, elucidating, and transformative workshop. I could charge for this workshop, maybe I should, because it’s going to help you make more money. And for external students this would be a $997 investment. Yet for you, when you join EBB today  on this page, I want to offer it to you to help you more than cover your investment.

Retail Value: $997!
Note: the Mindful Money Manifestation workshop will be taught live within the first 120 days of your enrollment. The recording will be made available for a minimum of one full year from the date you enroll.

BONUS #9: Root Cause workshop

This is where I’ll teach you my most advanced stuff, the one that isn’t even part of the Bootcamp and that I reserve for my high-end clients and students.

Emotional Balance Bootcamp - video call with filipe

This is the unique “NDCR™” method (or “Need-Desire Conflict Resolution™” method) I’ve developed through all my years of practice and extensive study to facilitate the most powerful breakthroughs in the shortest amount of time possible while ensuring it’s still done in a safe, integrated, and holistic way that promotes real, deep, and lasting transformation.

This method goes even a level deeper than all others I’ve ever seen, to that which is the real root cause trauma (and no, it’s not an event, but an internal phenomena).

In this workshop, I’ll lay out my entire NDCR™ method in front of you and hold nothing back, plus I’ll walk you through it step-by-step with examples and everything. And, most importantly, I’ll personally coach you at the end using this very method.

Retail Value: $997!
Note: the Root Cause Workshop will be taught live within the first 14 days of your enrollment. The recording will be made available for a minimum of one full year from the date you enroll.

So what's the investment?

Total value of the Emotional Balance Bootcamp: $14,950

You can get started for just $400, or invest in full for $1450. This is the standard price for the Emotional Balance Bootcamp, with everything included. We also have a generosity-based sliding scale available for those at financial struggle, more information below. 

Monthly Payments

4 easy payments of just



One single payment of


and save $150!

Ready to enroll?

three simple steps to secure your spot in the emotional balance bootcamp:

1. Fill in your information

Name + email

Emotional Balance Bootcamp - arrow down

2. Place a $50 deposit

Fully refundable

Emotional Balance Bootcamp - arrow down

3. Celebrate!

Your spot is secured

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When you enroll in the Emotional Balance Bootcamp, your entire investment is backed by a risk-free, better-than-money-back guarantee.

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In the unlikely chance that you join EBB today, implement what it asks you to1, and don’t see a significant improvement in your emotional balance…

I will not only return your entire investment back to you2, I will send you an additional $503 for the time you wasted.

On the other hand, if you join and you do implement and you do get results, I’ll give you a gift that’s twice better than that. Sounds like a good deal?

So grab your spot today, knowing you have nothing to lose, only a lot to gain. The only thing you can lose here is the opportunity to create the life you want.

Meet Your Instructor: Dr. Filipe Rocha

Filipe is the founder of StarSoul School. He is a teacher, coach, therapist, and trainer in the fields of mental and emotional balance, intelligence, and regulation, meditation, mental health, happiness, spirituality, and personal growth and transformation.

Besides being a Medical Doctor, Filipe is extensively learned and trained in many skills, tools, traditions, and programs that help people heal and flourish, both formally and informally (from cutting-edge neuroscience, psychology, trauma, hypnotherapy, and coaching, to spirituality and Buddhism, to name a few).

Most importantly, Filipe’s profound wisdom and powerfull skills come from his personal practice, inner exploration, and experience.

That is the true source of the incredible results he helps his clients achieve, which have been called “magic” and “ten years of therapy worth in one session”.

Filipe strives to not only “teach and preach” but to actually embody what he teaches. He believes that being good and happy is the best way to help others be good and happy.

Who this is for (and not for)...

Our alumni are from all corners of the world and walks of life, ranging from business people to healthcare workers, to coaches, to school teachers, to parents, to engineers, to emergency workers, to healers, to hairdressers, to curious humans looking to heal and explore their potential.

In their own words, everyone in the world can and should learn how to balance their emotions.

Who it's for:

Who it's not for:

Have questions? We've got answers. 🙂

The Emotional Balance Bootcamp is a game-changing 6-week online coaching experience that will revolutionize the way you regulate your emotions, minimize stress, and build resilience so you can thrive, no matter what life throws at you.

This program is the masterpiece of Filipe, an experienced emotional balance teacher, coach, therapist, as well as a Medical Doctor, who has already empowered countless individuals to transform their lives. With Filipe’s years of experience and proven track record, you’re learning from an expert who truly walks the talk.

Over six weeks, you’ll engage in live, interactive calls, each unlocking a new dimension of emotional regulation. You’ll start by understanding your emotional triggers, and by the end, you’ll have mastered the art of self-control and resilience.

But the Emotional Balance Bootcamp is more than just a course. It’s your ticket to a life where you’re in control, not your emotions. Imagine being able to navigate any emotional storm with grace and coming out stronger on the other side. That’s the transformation you can expect.

And remember, spots are limited and filling up fast. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the field. If you’re ready to step into a more resilient, emotionally balanced you, then the Emotional Balance Bootcamp is for you.

If you’re tired of being at the mercy of your emotions and dream of a life where you’re in control, then the Emotional Balance Bootcamp is designed with you in mind. It’s for those who refuse to settle for a life of stress and overwhelm and are ready to embrace a one of emotional balance and resilience.

This isn’t for those who are content with the status quo or unwilling to explore new ways of managing their emotions. It’s for those who are curious, who aspire for more, and who are ready to take their emotional health to the next level. It’s for individuals like yourself who are ready to step into their full potential and won’t let anything stand in their way – especially if you’ve tried other things before.

In this Bootcamp, you’ll learn from an expert how to regulate your emotions, reduce stress, and build resilience. This program is ideal for anyone willing to invest in their emotional health and eager to unlock their full potential.

If you’re open to growth, eager to learn, and committed to making a change, then this program is definitely for you. So, if you’re ready to leave emotional turmoil behind and step into a life of emotional balance and resilience, don’t wait. The Emotional Balance Bootcamp is your ticket to a transformed life.

The Emotional Balance Bootcamp is unique and distinguishes itself from other programs in many ways:

  • It’s an hollisitc and integrated approach that brings together all the tools, modalities, and resources for emotional regulation and self-improvement in a cohesive and effective way.
  • It works with emotions on a deep level and addresses the root cause, rather than just scracthing the surface and working on the symptoms which most personal development, self-help programs, and isolated modalities typically do.
  • Because of that, it tends to produce real, deep, lasting transformation that lasts a lifetime (and more), rather than superficial and short-lived ones (or none at all).
  • It includes a balanced blend of theory and practice for maximum effectiveness.
  • It draws both from the latest cutting-edge neuroscience and emotion research together with ancient proven practices rooted in contemplative and wisdom traditions.
  • It teaches you how to fish, not give you the fish. It’s common for students to contact us years later saying how the program still continues to change their lives every day.
  • Finally, participants typically come for the content but stay for the community. We have an amazing, supporting, and safe community of inspiring people all walking their own journeys, and the sharing and co-regulation among participants is typically one of the highest points people mention in their experience. It’s not uncommon for people to feel safer and more supported by the community than they’d ever felt their entire life, and we frequently hear that it was the community that “saved them” and “made it all possible”.

As a last comment, a strong percentage of our Alumni had already taken other courses before, but were still feeling stuck, and it was in EBB that they were able to get their breakthroughs, get unstuck, and reach their next level.

Everything is in the membership portal! Just log in and you can access all the lessons, meditations, lessons, worksheets, and more.

In the portal you’ll also find our forums and private community space away from social media.

You can access the membership portal from your computer, tablet or smartphone, including through our private mobile app.

The Emotional Balance Bootcamp is about to start. January 20th to 26th will be the welcome week! Plus, when you enroll you get immediate access to our private portal with resources, support, and community.

Your registration grants you access to 8 weeks of powerful LIVE facilitation and then you will have access to this version of the EBB program content for the life of the program. Which means you can come back and revisit the content as much as you want for practically ever.

*a minimum of $450 (split over 3 months) contribution is needed for lifetime access. Otherwise, you will get full access during the 8 weeks of the program.

That’s up to you! In general, the weekly content spans up to 90 minutes each, and we recommend you make some time to practice throughout the week. For best results, we recommend practicing between 30 minutes – 6 hours per week.

You’ll most likely come to love the time you spend practicing EBB, as it will feel like a soothing, regulating, comforting and liberating hug.

All live calls will be recorded so if you can’t make them live you can view them at your own convenience from your members’ Portal.

Yes, studies have shown that improving emotional awareness and regulation are highly effective for mitigating ADHD symptoms. We’ve had many students before with ADHD or who identify as neurodivergent, and they all took great benefit from the program.

Yes, emotional dysregulation is at the core of all these conditions, and cultivting emotional balance tends to greatly improve them and their symptoms. This program will help you go beyond managing symptoms to addressing the root cause. We’ve had many participants who healed life-long conditions such as anxiety and depression.

With that said, we can’t promise any results and this program is not intended as medical care, therapy, or replacement for them. Always consult with your health provider if you are unsure.

Don’t worry, EBB was designed precisely with you in mind. We wouldn’t offer a program that helps you escape overwhelm and expect you not to come in overwhelmed!

The process we take you through in EBB is carefully designed to prevent all forms of negative overwhelm, working layer-by-layer in a way that allows you to stay in your Safe and Growth Zones. In fact, the first steps are all about helping you return from overwhelm to regulation.

We have also created different measures to help you stay on track and get back on track when you get off track (see question below).

In other words, if you’re feeling ovewhelmed then EBB is right for you right now. The best time to join is now, as waiting for things to get better without doing anything to address it tends to work on the opposite direction (things snowball and get worse, not better).

At last, when you join EBB you also get my “Emotional Cleansing Primer” Guided Hypnosis Pack ($750 value) for free as a bonus, which will help you release much of the emotional weight you’re carrying by simply laying back and listening, freeing you from most of the overwhelm and giving you the energy to focus on the rest of the work.

Don’t worry, in EBB we’re 100% committed to your success, and we’ve taken powerful measures to help even the least focused participants stay on track.

You’ll have ongoing support, weekly check-ins, and accountability partners.

Plus, you’ll have access to six “Watch Parties” where you’ll be watching the modules alongside other participants (so it’s on your calendar and you have an extra reason to do it!).

At last, you get my bonus training “Procratinating On Procrastination: How To Stop Procrastinating By Embracing It” ($500 value) which will help you… well, stop procrastinating and get the important things (like this course) done once and for all!

Absolutely yes! In fact, we typically hear some of the most incredible feedback from our “veteran” students who have been on the path for some time and have participated in other programs before.

They say that they finally undertand how to put everything they know together in a cohesive and integrated approach, knowing exactly when and how to use each tool they have. They also finally understand why they were still stuck in a certain level despite having all those tools, and get the breakthrough they needed to finally break free and reach their next level!

In other words, if you’ve taken other programs before but find yourself still stuck in a certain level and unable to breakthrough, feeling like you’re still missing something… EBB might be just what you need.

If you’re a coach, therapist, or other mental wellness professional, you’ll take enormous value from this course.

Firstly, the best way we can help others is to help ourselves, so the profound healing and insights you’ll take from this program will certainly have a strong positive impact on all those you help.

Secondly, as a professional who works with others’ emotional and mental imbalances, you need to do this work more than anyone – for your own health, and for your effectiveness and capacity at work too.

At last, if you wish to dive deeper and become trained to use this wisdom and tools in your work, you’ll have the opportunity to join our Professional Training for coaches, therapists, and mental wellness professionals after you enroll in the Emotional Balance Bootcamp Premium Coaching plan.

We’re here to help! Send an email to support@healingintoflourishing.com or contact us on WhatsApp and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Here's why NOW is the right time

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that the world has become an uncertain place.

Whether it’s a recession, a new conflict, or a global pandemic… the only way to have true balance and safety is to create it yourself.

The ultimate freedom and security is having a strong foundation of emotional balance with which you can go through life’s challenges with inner peace and thrive no matter what.

When you have the power to understand, manage, and transform your emotions, then you have an inner peace nothing and no one can take away from you.

And the Emotional Balance Bootcamp will guide you through the proven path to develop those skills, befriend your emotions, and cultivate profound and lasting emotional balance.


Copyright © 2025 StarSoul School
1To qualify for a refund you must fulfill all the following criteria: (1) have completed all the course modules, lessons, topics, quizzes, and exercises in the portal up until the week of the refund request (as tracked by our software); (2) have submitted your answers to all the quizzes, exercises, questions, and reflection prompts up until the week of the refund request (as tracked by our software); (3) have participated in a minimum of 75% of the live calls or watched the replays (as tracked by our software); (4) have submitted at least one question to the Q&A; (5) have shared at least one meaningful post and one meaningful comment per week of the program in the Community Hub. Your $50 deposit is always refundable with a no-questions-asked policy before program start.

2To qualify for a refund you must send an email to support@starsoulschool.com within a minimum of 14 days after program start and a maximum of 35 days after program start asking for a refund and providing all the required documents as listed above.

3Payments will be sent via PayPal exclusively. Note: You will be required to provide valid tax forms before any payments are made to you. All submitted tax forms are validated using a secure 3rd party service.